¼±Çü Á¤Àû Çؼ® (Linear static analysis)
- Linear stress, strain, and deflection
- Inertial relief
- Thermal stress and deflection
- Multi-axial fatigue
- Pre-stress
µ¿Àû ÀÀ´ä (Dynamic response)
- Direct transient response
- Direct frequency response
- Modal transient response
- Modal frequency response
- Random vibration
- Modal response / shock spectrum generation
- Modal summation (ABS, SRSS, NRL, CQC, DDAM)
- Linear and nonlinear direct transient response
- Linear and nonlinear pre-stress support for all modal solutions
- Vibration fatigue
¸ð´Þ Çؼ® (Modal analysis)
- Natural frequencies and mode shapes
- Flexible and rigid body motion
- Modal participation factors, effective mass / weight, and reaction forces
- Linear and nonlinear pre-stress (stiffening)
- Virtual fluid mass
°úµµ ¿ Àü´Þ (Transient heat transfer)
- Linear and nonlinear
- Conduction, convection, and radiation
Á¤»ó »óÅ ¿ Àü´Þ (Steady state heat transfer)
- Linear and nonlinear
- Conduction, convection, and radiation
Á±¼ Çؼ® (Buckling analysis)
- Critical loads and mode shapes
- Linear and nonlinear initial stress
ºñ¼±Çü Çؼ® (Nonlinear analysis)
- Nonlinear static and transient response
- Large displacement and rotation
- Automated Impact Analysis (AIA)
- Material nonlinear (Nonlinear elastic, elasto-plastic, perfectly plastic, thermo-elastic, visco-elastic, creep)
- Tension only (cables and shell elements)
- Contact (gap, slide line, and surface-to-surface, all with friction)
- Progressive Ply Failure Analysis (PPFA)
- Brittle materials (concrete)
- Shape memory materials (Nitinol)
ÀÏ¹Ý (¸ðµç ¼Ö·ç¼Ç¿¡¼ Áö¿ø) (General (supported in all solutions))
- Composite laminate materials
- Temperature-dependent materials
- Direct matrix import and export (DMIG)
- Craig-Bamption and Guyan reduction
- Superelement support
- Displacement, load, and temperature interpolation